[News] Foundation stone laid for the Fondation Anne de Gaule

General de Gaulle used to say “between possible and impossible, two letters and a state of mind”.

➡ We are very proud to have laid the 1st stone towards a 100% inclusive society with all of you.
➡ We’re delighted that you’re here (and that there’s been such a large turnout).

➡ We are very honoured by the support of Aurore Bergé, Minister for Solidarity and Families, Fadila Khattabi, Minister Delegate for the Disabled, Jean-Jacques Brot, Prefect of Yvelines, Charles Rodwell, Member of Parliament for Yvelines (1st constituency), Anne Bergantz, Member of Parliament for Yvelines (2nd constituency), Michel Laugier, Senator for Yvelines, Pierre Bédier, President of the Department of Yvelines, Sophie Martinon, Deputy Director General of the ARS #IDF, Pierre Deniziot, IDF regional delegate in charge of disability, universal accessibility and the Republican promise, Jean-Michel FOURGOUS, President of the Saint-Quentin en Yvelines Agglomeration Community #SQY, Lorrain Merckaert, Mayor of Montigny-le-Bretonneux, and all those who give meaning to the vision of the Anne de Gaulle Foundation.

This 1st AGORHA Village stone marks an inclusive turning point in the #Yvelines, a new land of innovation.

Supported by:
Région Île-de-France
Département des Yvelines
SQY – Communauté d’agglomération de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
Ville de Montigny-le-Bretonneux
Agence Régionale de Santé (ARS) Île-de-France,
Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l’autonomie
Région Grand Est
Fondation Bettencourt Schueller
Fonds de Dotation Rondeau
InfraVia Capital Partners
Fondation Jean Bruneau – Fondation de France
Groupe AGRICA, KLESIA Malakoff Humanis | CCAH – Comité national Coordination Action Handicap
Fondation d’entreprise Safran
BDL Capital Management
Bouygues Construction

Clarisse Ménager Jean Vendroux Francois BRUYANT Camille Mounier Isabelle Thizon Pascal Biville