Offices & activities, Institutions Ambassade Française Mascate, Oman Display project on the maphide the mapAll project Customer:Ministère des Affaires EtrangèresTeam:ArchitecturestudioYear:1986Surface:4 600 m²Cost:9,4 M€Status:Livré en 1989Similar programsNew headquarters of the Bank of Central African States, Yaoundé, CamerounCambaceres Office Building, Montpellier, FranceParc technologique, Shanghai, ChinePicard headquarters, Fontainebleau, FranceConstruction du nouveau siège Orange Côte d’Ivoire, Abidjan, Côte d'ivoirePergamin office building, Zurich, SuisseRehabilitation of the Lemaresquier site – Cité administrative de Toulouse, Toulouse, FrancePalais de Justice, Caen, FranceCasino Group headquarters, Saint-Etienne, France