From this inclined tablecloth emerge the dwellings of the ambassador’s residence and the chancellery crowned by a dome. The slope of the mashrabiya distorts perspective, an artifice amplified by the sloping weave that divides the windows into arcades on the upper level.
The building is contemporary, while referring to the Arab tradition and the national requirement of its conservation. Monument of an institution, as it affirms, it also reveals quality of softness, shadow and light, the intimacy of a palace. Almost the entire area is covered with a perforated concrete mesh, a horizontal transposition of the mashrabiya, the elaborate sunscreen that Arab culture weaves in front of its windows.
From this inclined tablecloth emerge the dwellings of the ambassador’s residence and the chancellery crowned by a dome. The slope of the mashrabiya distorts perspectives, an artifice amplified by the sloping weave that divides the windows into arcades on the upper level.
Underneath, a colonnade of rough concrete, a penumbra that splashes with bright touches the fallen color of the stained glass windows. In the middle, longitudinally, the latticework is interrupted, reserving the spectacular point of view on the main axis. A long basin accompanies the perspective on the mashrabiya. Water, light and dark, and air circulation maintain a natural air conditioning. at ground level, while the high stained glass windows of the buildings are chiselled, raw, bright marble of whiteness in the burning light.
- Customer:Ministère des Affaires Etrangères
- Team:Architecturestudio
- Year:1986
- Surface:4 600 m²
- Cost:9,4 M€
- Status:Livré en 1989