Architecturestudio is an international office in architecture, urban planning and interior design founded in 1973. With offices in Paris, Shanghai and Zug, AS brings together 13 partners and a multidisciplinary team of 150 people of 25 different nationalities. Architecturestudio commitment to the promotion of architecture is reflected in a collective body of work that has won numerous distinctions over more than 40 years on 5 continents . The office employs shared knowledge and dialogue to optimize the creative potential of a collective conception which favors a plural understanding of the world and facilitates a skillful response to the major challenges of the 21st century.
10 rue Lacuée
75012 Paris, France
+33 (0)1 43 45 18 00
4th floor, building 20# TongLeFang
HaiFangLu No.555
Shanghai 200040, China
+86 21 63 81 00 66
35 rue des bains
1205 Genève
+41 (0)41 530 38 30