
Architecturestudio is an international office in architecture, urban planning and interior design founded in 1973. With offices in Paris, Shanghai and Zug, AS brings together 13 partners and a multidisciplinary team of 150 people of 25 different nationalities. Architecturestudio commitment to the promotion of architecture is reflected in a collective body of work that has won numerous distinctions over more than 40 years on 5 continents . The office employs shared knowledge and dialogue to optimize the creative potential of a collective conception which favors a plural understanding of the world and facilitates a skillful response to the major challenges of the 21st century.



10 rue Lacuée
75012 Paris, France
+33 (0)1 43 45 18 00


4th floor, building 20# TongLeFang
HaiFangLu No.555
Shanghai 200040, China
+86 21 63 81 00 66


Baarerstrasse 80
6300 Zug, Suisse
+41 76 830 49 68


[Projects] Geneva’s new Children’s Hospital

[Project] Architecturestudio has just successfully completed the program for the New Geneva Children's Hospital, in close collaboration with all the teams at HUG - Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, under the direction of Klara M. Posfay-Barbe, Chief Physician of HUG's General Pediatrics Department. +

[Projects] Restructuring of 44, rue des Petites Écuries

Restoration of 44, rue des Petites Écuries
Architecturestudio is proud to announce the start of work on the renovation of the 18th-century Botterel-Quintin town house on rue des Petites Écuries in the 10th arrondissement of Paris. +

[Prix] AS wins a CODAaward 2024

[Awards] The deployment of the Créteil Cathedral has just been awarded the prestigious CODAaward 2024 international prize, which recognizes the dialogue between works of art and architecture. +

[Press] The Figaro mentions Trace Bleu…

Le Figaro mentions Tracé Bleu...
50 years after its creation, the agency advocates a holistic approach and collaborative ideation to tackle the ecological challenges of the century. +

[News] The universe of sounds in Churches by Alain Bretagnolle

On Thursday, April 4th, Alain Bretagnolle, associate architect and urban planner, participated in the Reflection Day on the Sound Heritage of Religious Buildings, held at Saint-Ignatius Church in Paris, as part of the General Assembly on Religious Heritage. +

[Mercredi d’as] Charles Antoine Depardon

On Wednesday 15th November, we welcomed Charles-Antoine Depardon, Urban Planning and Architecture Adviser in the office of Emmanuel Grégoire, First Deputy Mayor of Paris with responsibility for urban planning, architecture, Greater Paris, the transformation of the administration and relations with the arrondissements. +

[News] Catch-up session

If you haven't listened to David Abittan's podcast "Où est-ce que tu vas pour les vacances?" (Where are you going for the holidays?), you can listen to this great series (especially the episode from Angers where our project Le Théâtre Le Quai is mentioned 😉 ) on France Inter! +

[News] From 5th September to 12th December 2023, the Pôle Environnement Ville Architecture Digital Scientific Advisory Board

From 5th September to 12th December 2023, the Scientific Council of the Pôle Environnement Ville Architecture Digital, Jacques Boulet, director of the CS, Jean-Bernard Datry, Marc-Antoine Durand and Alain Bretagnolle, associate architect at architecturestudio and chairman of the Pôle EVA, are organising a series of round tables in partnership with Chroniques d'architecture. +

[News] [as,explore] What regenerative economy for our territories?

architecturestudio questions the impact of the economy of transformation of our territories in a context where it is necessary to integrate nature in a symbiotic and interdependent relationship, to broaden our definition of the notion of the commons and to mobilise the political around the "good use" of resources. +

[Projects] Les HUG – Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève ont dévoilé le lauréat du concours d’architecture du futur Hôpital des enfants. Nous sommes lauréats !

Présidé par jacques Lucan, le jury du concours a en effet plébiscité à l'unanimité le projet lauréat MIKADO pour son dynamisme, son ouverture sur l’extérieur et surtout sa conception moderne de l’hôpital qui fait une large place aux familles dont on sait que la présence aux côtés de l'enfant est essentielle et contribue à son rétablissement. +

[Press] Présentation d’Architecturestudio dans In Interiors

Existant depuis 1973, Architecturestudio fait partie du paysage architectural français et international. L’occasion de revenir sur une agence qui cultive la pratique de la conception collective et la créativité dans chacun de ses projets en instaurant un dialogue fructueux entre les différents acteurs et les projets eux-mêmes. Décryptage par Emmanuelle Graffin +

14/04/2022 [Projects] Architecturestudio appointed by the EPA Marne to conclude the urban design of Bussy-Saint-Georges city entrance

Our approach «Dynamic City entrance area» aims to put into effect environmental ambitions and assert this new location in the East of the Ile-de-France region. This integrated approach will allow the meshing of soft mobility, the amplification of the landscape framework, the development of a planning centered around care, sport and leisure. Our proposition will also favor the association of both the inhabited city and productive city by sharing tools and active surfaces. +

25/03/2022 [Projects] The construction of the Ilot Eiffel office building in Créteil, France, is progressing

The project represents the cornerstone between a future Greater Paris hub and the Henri Mondor area in Créteil. Located in the future neighborhood of the Créteil-l'Échat train station, this office complex is a high-performance hub that will offer an appropriate urban response to a district undergoing renewal. The office building sits in a parcel reorganization designed to be part of the city. The Ilot Eiffel is a new structure bringing together workers, employees and visitors. It will include a restaurant dedicated to staff, convivial spaces and public reception services. +

10/03/2022 [Events] Architecturestudio at MIPIM 2022 in March

Architecturestudio will attend MIPIM 2022 at the Palais des Festivals et des Congrès in Cannes, from March 15 to 18.
Marc Lehmann, Gaspard Joly, Roueïda Ayache, Romain Boursier, Widson Monteiro, partner architects, Thomas Krähenbühl, head of office in Switzerland and, Marion Moustey head of communication, will be there. +

08/03/2022 [Projects] Inauguration of the ESTP ESEO Metropolitain Campus in Dijon

This brand new learning place brings together two engineering schools. Third places, including a large atrium, offer new teaching practices. They are open to both schools as well as third-party uses. This "smart building" is intended to interact with a broader urban context of "Smart City" through the opening of large shared common areas and the Showroom "On Dijon", a major digital project for the city. +

15/02/2022 [Projects] Alley housing project in Buenos Aires is taking shape

Built around a planted promenade that links two dynamic avenues, the project is an innovative cohabitation model that connects the neighborhood via a pedestrian alley that benefits the residents. The housing is of many different types that can accommodate a variety of users and thus help to create a family, multi-generational neighborhood. +

02/02/2022 [Awards] “Summers” office building awarded at the Vitruvian Honors & Awards

“Summers” office building, in Buenos Aires, has been awarded at the Vitruvian Honors & Awards, in the “Outstanding Façade Integration” category.
The ceremony held this past December, by the Façade Tectonics Institute, celebrated outstanding projects, as well as project teams and individuals that have made extraordinary contributions to facade design, engineering, fabrication, installation and lifecycle performance, internationally. +

28/01/2022 [News] Roueïda Ayache reelected vice-president of the AFEX

Architecturestudio is honoured to announce the reelection of Roueïda Ayache, partner architect at Architecturestudio, at the AFEX (Architecte Français à l'Export) board of directors. This nomination comes with Reda Amalou (AW² Architecture Workshop) elected as president of the AFEX. +

19/01/2022 [Press] Créteil’s cathedrale Notre Dame among the architectural wonders of the Val de Marne department

In the middle of housing buildings in Créteil this redeployed cathedral combines two architectural styles, both distinct and coherent in their geometry. Recognizable by its two spherical shells, which like two joined hands meet above the altar, the building blends harmoniously with the neighborhood large buildings. Its bell tower, detached from the cathedral at the corner of the square, punctuates the entrance to the building and brings an urban scale. +

18/11/2021 [Projects] Architecturestudio est lauréat du concours pour la restructuration du 44, rue des Petites Écuries à Paris

Architecturestudio est lauréat, aux côtés d'ADIM Île de France et Degaine - VINCI Construction France, du concours pour la restructuration du 44, rue des Petites Écuries à Paris. Composé de trois bâtiments, le projet consiste à réhabiliter un hôtel particulier datant du XVIIIe siècle, un immeuble de typologie haussmannienne, ainsi qu’un bâtiment de liaison dans lequel étaient jadis situées les écuries de l’hôtel. +

13/04/2022 [Conferences] « Mobilis in mobile – Metal architecture in motion » at the Maison de l’Architecture Ile-de-France

Originating from conceptual theories from the 1950s, the notion of mobility in architecture applies to different types of buildings such as bridges, public facilities, towers, houses or even swimming pools. Depending on the characteristics and functions of the buildings, part or all of their structure – often composed of high-performance steels – can be set in motion in multiple ways, with evolutivity over time in aim. A design that integrates technical solutions and ecological criteria, in constant evolution. In addition, to meet the needs of ephemeral buildings, relocatable or destined to change usage, steel allows to create structures that become dynamic. +

17/11/2021 [Projects] Bureaux Pergamin I à Zurich, Suisse

Le projet se développe en tête de proue de l’éco quartier Greencity, lauréat du grand prix Green Solutions Awards 2021, catégorie Quartier Durable. L'ensemble de bureaux Pergamin prend place au cœur d’un nouveau fragment de ville connecté, dynamique, et naturellement intégré au paysage de la vallée de la Sihl. +

29/10/2021 [Competitions] Hôpital Universitaire du Grand Paris Nord à Saint Ouen-sur-Seine

L’hôpital du Grand Paris Nord se distingue des précédentes générations d’hôpitaux, essentiellement par son objectif affiché d’évolutivité et de résilience ; évolutivité dans le temps en terme capacitaire mais aussi des services hospitaliers, résilience pour faire face aux crises. Il a été pensé de manière à accueillir les entités fonctionnelles de l’hôpital selon une typologie permettant d’offrir une évolutivité maximale. +